Thursday, June 7, 2007

In the name of Allah who gives the opportunity to forgive and be forgiven .

It is my honor to acompany you all in our ascendance to dena top & learning you a lot . dont miss me in the way !

Saturday, May 19, 2007

يا جابر العظم الكسير
اي پيوند دهنده استخوان شكسته
فكر مي كنم جمع ما
اين كه همديگر را ببينيم و به هم گوش كنيم و هواي همديگر را داشته باشيم و از هم كمك بگيريم و به هم كمك كنيم
و حقيقت حضور هركسي را حس كنيم و به او احترام بگذاريم و از او ياد بگيريم و صبر كنيم
مثل استخوان بدن زندگي و بودن ماست
اگر خداي نكرده بشكند خيلي درد دارد
و قدرت حركت و انجام كارهايمان و به داد كسي رسيدن را از ما خواهد گرفت اگرخدا رحم كند و محتاج ديگران نشويم
جوش خوردن دوباره آن هم احتياج به مراقبت و آرامش و صبر و قوت حسابي دارد
فكر كنم اين كه به ياد هم باشيم و براي هم دعا كنيم استخوان جمع ما را محكم و قوي حفظ خواهد كرد ان شاء الله
من هروقت يادم باشه همراهان نور را دعا مي كنم اصلا شايد اين براي همديگه نوشتن يه جوري همديگرو دعا كردن هم هست
خدا به حق احسان عظيمش همتون را هميشه سالم و شاد و سرحال حفظ كنه
خدا به حق علم و حكمت بي نهايتش حاجت هاي دل همه مومنا رو روا كنه

Monday, May 14, 2007

post your comments

haji said...
salam mohammad javadyou need to guess who ebnossabil is by yourself.

ebnossabil said...
salam very very khosh oomadi I am happy we have your strong clear jumping beautiful voice in our hamrahan e noor community while you are asking queschens, telling stories, reciting quran, and listenig to your teacher.... take care yani kheili moraghebe KHODET bash!

post your comments

miniature said...
Hello to our Ebnossabil! I didn't really know where to ask this question but anyway about the first entry in everyones blogs, did you post those beautiful pictures of pink blossoms? If not who? Have you shot them yourself? If yes from where? If not who has? They are very beatiful and perfectly match the verses inscripted. Thanks.

ebnossabil said...
dear miniature salam i shot them in chitgar park. shoma loft darin.

Atiyeh said...
Salam Ebnoosabil I really like your writing. It is really like, you are in the Karoon river and swimming through it and enjoying it. I can see you in the sky when you are flying and touching the stars. I can feel your words and I can see your world!!!!!

ebnossabil said...
dear atyieh salam shoma ham kheili lotf darin. yes, i am really enjoying this writing community, it is so bright which force you joyfully, say what you brightly mean.

Sunday, May 13, 2007


friend said...
Very nice! Just remember Allah (swt) is not a creature, maybe you could say "searching for the most beautiful One" or something like that...

weeping willow said...
Salam Friend, Many many thanks for giving me a comment. As it seems, someone has read what I "wrote". Although I didn't mean to mention "God" as a creature, it is sort of like a puzzle for me to discover why you got so by what I wrote. As I assume, you have read the green with a two-plus-two-equals-four eye! I recommend you to read it once again with your OWN eyes. Please don't hesitate to give me more comments. I am here to give shadow to all pedistrians! Health and Peace,

friend said...
If you give too much shadow what will happen to our vitamin D??!! Please ebnossabil shed some light under the willow!! The point of the matter is not the way I look at your writing, Allah (swt) prefers to be called in a certain way. That's why we read the Duas which are given to us by our Imams as opposed to making up one. ((Say: He is Allah, the One and Only;Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;He begetteth not, nor is He begotten;And there is none like unto Him.)) Oh and I'm not a pedestrian I normally take the bus!

miniature said...
Hi! I just wanted to say just coz people don't post comments doesn't mean they don't read your entries so don't feel disappointed at least NOT AGAIN! Cheers

ebnossabil said...
salam dear weeping willowfor me maybe writing is like old karvansaras. they are so secure, friendly, helping, simple and always round and facing openly to the sky. sometimes which i am tired and hopeful writing is a good place for a refreshing honest stay. bye for now....

weeping willow said...
Salam Miniature, Thank you for reading my writing. I didn't read to be read, I read to be able to read. So, disappointment is an expectation! I hope you keep writing,

Salam Ebnossabil, You can tell the others about your moments when you were on the read of discoveries and you rest for some other moments under the shadows of weeping willows, Take care,

miniature said...
Actually to be honest with you I've read this post more than I dunno maybe 6 times now at different intervals... Each time thinking more and more about it... I just didn't post comments the couple of first times that I read it maybe because I hadn't really figured it out then... Anyway... so how old were you when you decided to write for the people who cared? Were you still in elementary school? In the first place did you just imagine that someone would read your writings in the future with care or was there really someone there to read? And who did those people turn out to be? Thanks again for sharing your experiences with us... Peace

weeping willow said...
Dear Miniature Salam, Many many thanks for your down-to-earth comments. I was a fourth grader when I decided to write for the first time. Yeah, at that time I was imagining as if there would be people who would care for my thoughts and stories, no one did read my stories though. Let's say, I was sure of it. I just wanted to share a delicious experience of mine with you claiming how I got to love people and how I could get peace out of my interactions with them through writing. Precisely, I name such an act writing and it doesn't mean, I don't consider the others' masterpieces as writing hereby. Please don't cease contributing to my understandig of writing.Meanwhile, I agree that I couldn't remake up my memory as earthly as to be inspiring for you and supposedly the others, Thanks alot, Willow


miniature said...
wow! I just read your poem on Sabalan now is my turn to ask you "how do YOU do it!?" It was awesome!

weeping willow said...
Well........don't know what to say! believe it or not, I don't know what is poem!I love writing! I wish it would be of help for you, If you just ask me in a more specific way, I may help you even better, thanks for the compliment that I don't deserve,


haji said...
besmehi taala salam ebnossabil just wanted to say; its so beautiful and amazing, so inspiring, i cannot follow where you are going to and what you are reaching. don't go alone and take us with you

گوشه چشمی هم به ما نشون بدهيا خودمونی تر ما رو هم درياب
i gave upgood luck and god bless you

parand e nilgoon said...
Why ? no! VAAAAAAY SALAM Ebnossabil you make me HEYRAN... really صاحب خبر بیامد و من بی خبر شدم...… that’s so interesting. The news… sometimes I think that we are make from news or perhaps we are alive because of news! you remind me my sister Vahideh. she is in far away from us... and she always ask us : che khabar? And her secret about “dige che khabar?” now gets much meaning full for me…
دوری به تن لیک از دلم اندر دل تو روزنیست زان روزن دزدیده من چون مه پیامت می کنم
And I know some of hamrahan experience this feeling, like you and your sister Hamide khanom But this makes me think and think about this real…
Although تا خبر دارم از او بی خبر از خویشتنم!

ebnossabil said...
salam dear haji this is what always happens, when people are saying good things about me, i do not know what to say at all - my eyes usually help me but here .... - and now when YOU are talking to me and saying humbly and beautifully what you said above my tongue is really useless.... although i always try to be thankful and honest...من مطمئنم من مطمئنم .... اين اطميناني كه تو قلب هامون خونه كرده به بركت حضور محو شماست. خيلي خيلي ممنونم. الحمدلله رب العالمين
dear parand e nilgoon thank you again! (you too please have a look at what i wrote for haji) yes, i had not thought like this, we and hamideh o hamidreza are just sharing our news and maybe that's why every time we talk on the phone it becomes a mirror of my life, showing the closest and furthest events.... yes, it seems the whole creation are his news, listen:
قل هو الله احد الله الصمد لم يلد و لم يولد و لم يكن له كفوا احد
والعصر ان الانسان لفي خسر الا الذين آمنوا و عملواالصالحات و تواصوا بالحق وتواصوا بالصبر
yes, "بايد دري به خانه خورشيد باز كرد"

rend said...
Dear Ebnossabil Salam BEAUUUUUUUUTIFUL
آخر به چه گویم هست از خود خبرم چون نیست؟
I wrote my comment on this post in my new post on SABALAN…But to tell you more…
از لب یار شکر را چه خبر وز رخش شمس و قمر را چه خبر
با دمش باد بهاری چه زند وز قدش سرو و شجر را چه خبر
گر جهان زیر و زبر گشت از او عاشق زیر و زبر را چه خبر
چونکه جان محرم اسرارش نیست از رهش اهل خبر را چه خبر
گر چه نرگس نگرانست به باغ از چمن نرگس تر را چه خبر
گفته هر قوم هم از مستی خویش که ز ما قوم دگر را چه خبر
گفت چونی و دل تو چونست از دل این خسته جگر را چه خبر
با ملک تاج و کمر گر به همند از ملک تاج و کمر را چه خبر
کم کن این ناله که کس واقف نیست ز آه عشاق سحر را چه خبر
ebnossabil said...
salam rend i do not know why, but reading your comment, i remembered how much i miss going to a journey with you and hamrahan friends, though of course we are always moving mahvfully! this is very interesting and ajib how we are cooking each other in our community with our news! i mean we help each other to move from khami/khani to pokhtegi/khod forgeti.....


ebnossabil said...
salam willow
do you know how much is the cost of advertising at the peak of dena mountain?! though because yours is cultural we may give you some hooshmand subsides! have you got your card? and now it's 13 years which i know you and i do not know any famous humble author to be your friend. oh, there is one called hossein fattahi who writes beautiful storeis for children, when i was 13 i read his amir koochoolooy e hashtom, i think in one day. is he..... and i am very eagerly waiting for a new surprise, actually i am used to it, maybe we could call our community a surprise community!

weeping willow said...
Salam Ebnossabil
If I were in your shoes, I would never claim to have known me for 13 years as you still don't know such an intimaite close friend of mine. I bet you do know the author anyway. Well, I've also read the book written by Hossein Fattahi, let's confess it was magnificant and imagination-inviting.Well, I would anyway transmit your comment to the author. Now, I guess the author is more pushed to contribute to our surprise community. You know, the author doesn't know Englsih and I need to translate the story for you. The author's humility doesn't let his name be revealed. So don't try to get to know it. Meanwhile, I didn't advertise for the story. I just wanted to flourish our community with ........ Please don't hesitate to help us! Willow
Weeping Willow and 100zaban are saying ....... that Ebnossabil said to Bolbol
thank you bolbol,
now, after three weeks, the joy of walking in these dignified and gracious mountains and seeing what i could not see anywhere else, is going deep deep in my heart and has become my never-leaving guest.
once i wrote to willow that for me writing is like old karvansaras. they are so simple secure, friendly, helping, and always round and facing openly to the sky, guiding people to be hamrahn e noor.
sometimes when i am tired and hopeful, writing is a good place for a refreshing honest stay....
i think this is the kind of journey which comes with
struggle, blooming and boiling gheirat,
as you firmfully say,
but that fine competition
is like
today's hotels
that totally deny the sky and all friendship, help, humbleness, inspiration, and movement
that he flows between the people.
these hotels really remind me of poor horses racing for VAHMI best results.......
اللهم اكرمنا بنورالفهم و اخرجنا من ظلمات الوهماللهم افتح علينا ابواب رحمتك و انشر علينا خزائن علومك

Thursday, May 10, 2007

All my dear friends…
I always wonder how reading your words, perceiving your hearts and touching your passions, move something inside me
And question where this moving comes from?
…days ago when a friend of mine- whom I suppose to start a learning journey with, tried to warn me of the importance of رقابت سالم in doing everything in order to reach to best results(?!)…at once, i felt a dark point in her notice… i had no doubt i HATE the poisoned word, "competition", even with the prettification of the word "fine"! but at that moment, couldn't realize really why I can't believe it could be something moving in this view.

now when i compare what's happening here and what was in my friend's remark; the inspiring atmosphere here and stopping view there, i sense these two are radically different from base to result!
what I gain when I try to do something better in term of competing, it brings me a feeling of being arrested in a race ( d' you recall those poor horses too?) to ran and leaving others behind, sensing a hidden hate to some who are in front…
but what i experience here - oh,… if I struggle to bring it in words - is a pleasant, generative blooming

it seems here, what you all write, once it's your very very own spirit; presenting truthfully and soulfully what each of you offer the universe.
It's inspiring! …It boils GHEIRAT in my heart…
i, fully drunk from the wine of abundance in beauties and majesties in your existences, consider how can I do my best to know who am i? and how i can express it according to my own ways.

Just looking at;
the way ebnossabil writes with his own marvelous سكينه, or, the way weeping willow writes gratefully,…how passion writes passionfullly, miniature writes questionfully, 100zaban writes lifefuuly, Haji writes inspirefuly, Rend poemfully, Loud writes heartfully, Ahmadreza writes rowfuuly, Parand writes heiran!fully, and i write playfully! (with no care of all these foolish red lines in Microsoft word software!! ;-) )
shows what a mothanna has born here and… now i wonder, what a miracle has made this place like this though we all has experienced school lessons for years?

Wednesday, May 9, 2007


Salam to all,
Soon you will, INSHALLAH, receive a serial story written by a famous but humble author based on a true story. It's not yet been named and accomplished by the author though. Precisely the author is seeking for your company, help and comments during the contribution of it's parts. In addition, you are indeed needed to give a warm hand to the author for directing the story. Actually I have introduced you to the author as a special and unique community of writers in Iran. I will also play the the bridging role of a friend between you and the author in an attempt to help the whole community exchange and share their ideas and stories.
Sincerely yours,

Saturday, May 5, 2007

عم يتسائلون عن النباءالعظيم


my bahar came last night, i am walking in molana's gardens of light. thank you, parand e nilgoon.
these are so beautiful, so honest and so deep that like sadi's friend دامنم از دست بشد .
but now يه كم خودمو جمع و جور كردم كه دامني پركنم هديه اصحاب را .

dear rend and all my friends in hamrahan e noor
and MOHAMMAD and mRezaei

خبرت هست كه درشهر شكر ارزان شد؟
خبرت هست كه دي گم شد و تابستان شد؟
who are the people, who are giving you, your life news? what kind of news do you hear from your mother or your friend or your little sister or .... ? which ones do you listen to?

خبرت هست كه ريحان و قرنقل در باغ
زير لب خنده زنانند كه كار آسان شد؟
who are the people, who are making your life news? what do you call a life news, at all?

خبرت هست كه بلبل زسفر باز رسيد
درسماع آمد و استاد همه مرغان شد؟
who are the people, who are listening to your life news? why do they care about your news?

خبرت هست كه درباغ كنون شاخ درخت
مژده نو بشنيد از گل و دست افشان شد؟
who are the people, you do not have any news from them? how could you get their life news?

خبرت هست كه جان مست شد ازجام بهار
سرخوش و رقص كنان درحرم سلطان شد؟
who are the people, you like their life news? are there any people you do not like to know anything about them?

خبرت هست كه لاله رخ پرخون آمد؟
خبرت هست كه گل خاصبك ديوان شد؟
who are the people, who are helping you to make news? without their help, what would happen to your life news?

خبرت هست ز دزدي دي ديوانه؟
شحنه عدل بهارآمد و او پنهان شد
who are the people, you are believing their life news? how do you believe them? how many are they?

شاهدان چمن ار پارقيامت كردند
هريك امسال به زيبائي صدچندان شد
who are the people, who are hiding their life news from you? are you hopeful for any kind of change to happen?
گلرخاني زعدم چرخزنان آمده اند
كانجم چرخ نثارقدم ايشان شد
who are the people, you are learning from them to see the life news in a واسع way?

ناظرملك شد آن نرگس معزول شده
غنچه طفل چو عيسي فطن و خندان شد
who are the people, you like to know their life news and you can not? why and why?

نقشها بود پس پرده دل پنهاني
باغها آينه سر دل ايشان شد
who are the people, that their life news are so inspiring and changing for you? who do you share these news with?

آنچه بيني تو زدل جوي زآيينه مجوي
آينه نقش شود ليك نتاند جان شد
who are the people, who are people's ganj-khaneh? do you know any of them? have you ever told any secret to them?

مردگان چمن ازدعوت حق زنده شدند
كفرهاشان همه از رحمت حق ايمان شد
who are the people, you remember their life news, when you need help, so much? where and when?

گفت بس كن
كه من اين را به ازاين شرح كنم
من دهان بستم كو آمد و پايندان شد
who are the people, who are asking you questions, more than others?

يا فالق الحب يا رازق الانام

Monday, April 23, 2007

Confession Contribution

I read this verse under the shadow of a weeping willow for the first time, some 15 years ago while I was searching for the most beautiful creature: "و اذا سالک عبادی عنی فانی قریب"
Recapturing the moments of my life within which I could perceive my own position in harmony with my surroundings, I should confess I've always uncovered the rhymes of such harmony when the notions of time, space and people were challenged for me. Writing as the most magnificent language, at least for me, has always contributed to such challenges. As I remember, when I was a primary school student, I almost always tried hard to be heard in almost everywhere whether home or out, including school. Although I experienced so many imitations of what the others, including my older brother and Mohammadkazem who was a school friend of mine, used to use, I was still to fail. Most of the times it seemed as if I was not even to understand why the others were not interested in listening to my stories which were very much appreciated and precious for myself. One day after I'd had to carry the burden of the label of "failure" on my shoulders, which definitely I had myself chosen, I decided not to think about that winning-losing game anymore and instead to lean on what no one couldn't even imagine, at least people whom I was trying to have their attentions. I chose to write to people who would care for my stories someday and somewhere. That was one of the most enlightening journeys I've ever stepped into. At the beginning of the journey, it was really important for me to write in a beautiful and sensitive way as people who were going to read my writings, were really important for me and I loved them. It was not only the matter of those people but also the matter of where and when they would read my whole-heartedly stories. After I had written my stories for a while, I realized I had begun to live among people with a much higher sense of calmness, I was still not heard by them though and I didn't need them to be all-ears of my stories anyway.
Now, it is really stunning to see someone else, ebnossabil, love writing. Dear ebnossabil, could you please tell me why you love writing, it may Inshallah help me find myself in your writings more

Sunday, April 22, 2007


wait wait this is too joyful
i am sure i could sit here and read your writings till morning
and i know movements of my lips and eyes won't become slower than happy beating of my heart what can these words do who are you people it's almost midnight now my sister is eating ice cream baba is brushing and maman is washing dishes and i'm fighting with this moving smile on my face that has made me like fools gazing to the monitor reading what you wrote 2 times 3 times .... and i have not stopped yet i am up in the sky giving my hands to the stars i am in karoon river hugging the wild flow of water i am running with the free wind whispering the way in my ears .....

this is really brand old
thank you weepingwillow mohammad miniature seeny atyieh haji paisley passion rend 100zaban maryam loud nebula
الحمد لله رب العالمين خيرالمستأنسين

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


three nights ago my little sister - she is almost 4 years old now- was selling plane tickets for leili's city
my mother these days is reading nezami's leili and majnoon
i told her these must be so expensive
but she said no
i told her why

this is not something everyone could find everywhere
she answered me cause i am worried you may do not have the money to pay for it

we may in coming months destroy our house and build a new one a little bit taller
it was before eid
one day my father told me come and help me

at the top of the nama of our house there are three lamps
one of them has fallen down and now there is a little empty hole there
last spring it was the house of a gonjishk family
my father was going to put something in it to prevent the gonjishks from making their house there
cause if we ruin our house they will loose their house

in nowrooz he and my little sister made a beautiful small wooden house for the birds and with the help of navid hanged it from our window
it is still empty now
tonight i was telling our little star that you have to go and tell a bongahi to find a bird for living in our house
it is free
if you know someone please email me

now writing for me is like walking
every word seems to be a step
i hardly remember my feet locked to the earth
but i less hardly remember my hands locked on paper or keyboard

i remember myself many many times asking help
these people in our community have helped me

كه شمه اي زبيانش به صد رساله برآيد
i am shahed
and as quran says when i know writing i must write my shahadat كما علمني الله

maybe the sweetest moments are those which i had the chance to ask for help
يا من هو قريب غيربعيد

درخت خرمالوي حياط ما تازه برگهاش دراومدن
ميوه ها هم هستند از همين اول كار اما سبز همرنگ برگها و كوچكتر از نخود
الآن قيافه شون با اون خرمالوهايي كه تو مغازه ها مي فروشند آنقدر فرق مي كنه كه شايد باور آدم نشه كه اينها ميوه هاي اين درختند
اما قول مي دهم اگه تو آبان و آذر همديگرو ديديم رسيده ترين هاشونو براتون مي آرم تا با هم بخوريم
دعا كنيد امسال از شر آفت هاي سال پيش مصون بمونه اون وقت شايد نفري دو تا هم برسه
آخه خرمالو خيلي طول مي كشه كه برسه
ازفروردين بهارتا آخرهاي پائيز ما بعضي هاشون رو حتي تو دي بعد از شب چله مي چينيم

حتي از درخت هم كه مي چينيشون مي رسن و شيرين مي شن
مثل قندي كه تو دل آب ميشه


weeping willow

I am weeping willow, the grateful
Bending down on my leaves to thank you
I am from a garden whose gardeners
Wrote Tehran on every leave,
On every flower

Thank Passdaran where my dreams came true
Thank Tajrish for encouraging me to look for myself
in Imamzadeh Saleh
Thank Chamran high way for revealing beauty upon
me by ever-grean trees
Thank Valiasr chenar trees for sharing their compassion
shadowy moments in summer days
Thank Saeedi St. for taking care of Shaheed Rahmani
Thank Mehrabad for welcoming my hojjaj
Thank Berry trees of Tarasht for celebrating my birthday
every year
Thank bazaar for his yearly narration of event of Ashura for me
Thank Vanak village for securing me from sorrow and despair
Thank Pish-Poorkan for accepting the invitaion for feast of
Thank Arachte for her alchemical miracle of transforming cold weather
to warmth of love
Thank you for donating space to my roots sticking around in the soil of Tehran,

I am weeping willow, the grateful
Bending down on my leaves to thank you
I am from a garden whose gardeners once decided to call it Hamrahan-e Noor

Thank Hossein for everything, from love to hope, serenity to safety and all the

things coming from heaven

Thank Mohammadhossein for transcribing my outrage to rhymes of calmness

Thank EhsOn for borrowing my grace when I went out of grace

Thank Mehdi for his awakening slaps on my face

Thank Hamid for sharing his own uncoveries with me

Thank Hamidreza for guiding me how to be pure like water, how

to smile like roses

Thank Alireza for listening to me in a way I've always been

dreaming of

Thank Mrs.Ghahremani for teaching me what no one ever

did that teaching is learning

Thank Mrs.Ghomi for respecting me more than I


Thank Mrs.Doostdar for her ever-hospitality

Thank Mrs.Mahdieh for contributing to God's

greatest gift, generosity

Thank you for creating me a lover among the beloved

Once a weeping willow, I will never die

People die but I never do

as long as I have my roots in gardens as such

and I am nourished by the light of love

Yeah, I do need water

So, I have memories which come and go

just the same as water does

under my feet, underneath my thanks



Sunday, April 15, 2007

يا سلام

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم انا اعطيناك الكوثر فصل لربك وانحر ان شانئك هوالابتر