Sunday, May 13, 2007


haji said...
besmehi taala salam ebnossabil just wanted to say; its so beautiful and amazing, so inspiring, i cannot follow where you are going to and what you are reaching. don't go alone and take us with you

گوشه چشمی هم به ما نشون بدهيا خودمونی تر ما رو هم درياب
i gave upgood luck and god bless you

parand e nilgoon said...
Why ? no! VAAAAAAY SALAM Ebnossabil you make me HEYRAN... really صاحب خبر بیامد و من بی خبر شدم...… that’s so interesting. The news… sometimes I think that we are make from news or perhaps we are alive because of news! you remind me my sister Vahideh. she is in far away from us... and she always ask us : che khabar? And her secret about “dige che khabar?” now gets much meaning full for me…
دوری به تن لیک از دلم اندر دل تو روزنیست زان روزن دزدیده من چون مه پیامت می کنم
And I know some of hamrahan experience this feeling, like you and your sister Hamide khanom But this makes me think and think about this real…
Although تا خبر دارم از او بی خبر از خویشتنم!

ebnossabil said...
salam dear haji this is what always happens, when people are saying good things about me, i do not know what to say at all - my eyes usually help me but here .... - and now when YOU are talking to me and saying humbly and beautifully what you said above my tongue is really useless.... although i always try to be thankful and honest...من مطمئنم من مطمئنم .... اين اطميناني كه تو قلب هامون خونه كرده به بركت حضور محو شماست. خيلي خيلي ممنونم. الحمدلله رب العالمين
dear parand e nilgoon thank you again! (you too please have a look at what i wrote for haji) yes, i had not thought like this, we and hamideh o hamidreza are just sharing our news and maybe that's why every time we talk on the phone it becomes a mirror of my life, showing the closest and furthest events.... yes, it seems the whole creation are his news, listen:
قل هو الله احد الله الصمد لم يلد و لم يولد و لم يكن له كفوا احد
والعصر ان الانسان لفي خسر الا الذين آمنوا و عملواالصالحات و تواصوا بالحق وتواصوا بالصبر
yes, "بايد دري به خانه خورشيد باز كرد"

rend said...
Dear Ebnossabil Salam BEAUUUUUUUUTIFUL
آخر به چه گویم هست از خود خبرم چون نیست؟
I wrote my comment on this post in my new post on SABALAN…But to tell you more…
از لب یار شکر را چه خبر وز رخش شمس و قمر را چه خبر
با دمش باد بهاری چه زند وز قدش سرو و شجر را چه خبر
گر جهان زیر و زبر گشت از او عاشق زیر و زبر را چه خبر
چونکه جان محرم اسرارش نیست از رهش اهل خبر را چه خبر
گر چه نرگس نگرانست به باغ از چمن نرگس تر را چه خبر
گفته هر قوم هم از مستی خویش که ز ما قوم دگر را چه خبر
گفت چونی و دل تو چونست از دل این خسته جگر را چه خبر
با ملک تاج و کمر گر به همند از ملک تاج و کمر را چه خبر
کم کن این ناله که کس واقف نیست ز آه عشاق سحر را چه خبر
ebnossabil said...
salam rend i do not know why, but reading your comment, i remembered how much i miss going to a journey with you and hamrahan friends, though of course we are always moving mahvfully! this is very interesting and ajib how we are cooking each other in our community with our news! i mean we help each other to move from khami/khani to pokhtegi/khod forgeti.....