Thursday, May 10, 2007

All my dear friends…
I always wonder how reading your words, perceiving your hearts and touching your passions, move something inside me
And question where this moving comes from?
…days ago when a friend of mine- whom I suppose to start a learning journey with, tried to warn me of the importance of رقابت سالم in doing everything in order to reach to best results(?!)…at once, i felt a dark point in her notice… i had no doubt i HATE the poisoned word, "competition", even with the prettification of the word "fine"! but at that moment, couldn't realize really why I can't believe it could be something moving in this view.

now when i compare what's happening here and what was in my friend's remark; the inspiring atmosphere here and stopping view there, i sense these two are radically different from base to result!
what I gain when I try to do something better in term of competing, it brings me a feeling of being arrested in a race ( d' you recall those poor horses too?) to ran and leaving others behind, sensing a hidden hate to some who are in front…
but what i experience here - oh,… if I struggle to bring it in words - is a pleasant, generative blooming

it seems here, what you all write, once it's your very very own spirit; presenting truthfully and soulfully what each of you offer the universe.
It's inspiring! …It boils GHEIRAT in my heart…
i, fully drunk from the wine of abundance in beauties and majesties in your existences, consider how can I do my best to know who am i? and how i can express it according to my own ways.

Just looking at;
the way ebnossabil writes with his own marvelous سكينه, or, the way weeping willow writes gratefully,…how passion writes passionfullly, miniature writes questionfully, 100zaban writes lifefuuly, Haji writes inspirefuly, Rend poemfully, Loud writes heartfully, Ahmadreza writes rowfuuly, Parand writes heiran!fully, and i write playfully! (with no care of all these foolish red lines in Microsoft word software!! ;-) )
shows what a mothanna has born here and… now i wonder, what a miracle has made this place like this though we all has experienced school lessons for years?