Wednesday, April 18, 2007

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم


three nights ago my little sister - she is almost 4 years old now- was selling plane tickets for leili's city
my mother these days is reading nezami's leili and majnoon
i told her these must be so expensive
but she said no
i told her why

this is not something everyone could find everywhere
she answered me cause i am worried you may do not have the money to pay for it

we may in coming months destroy our house and build a new one a little bit taller
it was before eid
one day my father told me come and help me

at the top of the nama of our house there are three lamps
one of them has fallen down and now there is a little empty hole there
last spring it was the house of a gonjishk family
my father was going to put something in it to prevent the gonjishks from making their house there
cause if we ruin our house they will loose their house

in nowrooz he and my little sister made a beautiful small wooden house for the birds and with the help of navid hanged it from our window
it is still empty now
tonight i was telling our little star that you have to go and tell a bongahi to find a bird for living in our house
it is free
if you know someone please email me

now writing for me is like walking
every word seems to be a step
i hardly remember my feet locked to the earth
but i less hardly remember my hands locked on paper or keyboard

i remember myself many many times asking help
these people in our community have helped me

كه شمه اي زبيانش به صد رساله برآيد
i am shahed
and as quran says when i know writing i must write my shahadat كما علمني الله

maybe the sweetest moments are those which i had the chance to ask for help
يا من هو قريب غيربعيد

درخت خرمالوي حياط ما تازه برگهاش دراومدن
ميوه ها هم هستند از همين اول كار اما سبز همرنگ برگها و كوچكتر از نخود
الآن قيافه شون با اون خرمالوهايي كه تو مغازه ها مي فروشند آنقدر فرق مي كنه كه شايد باور آدم نشه كه اينها ميوه هاي اين درختند
اما قول مي دهم اگه تو آبان و آذر همديگرو ديديم رسيده ترين هاشونو براتون مي آرم تا با هم بخوريم
دعا كنيد امسال از شر آفت هاي سال پيش مصون بمونه اون وقت شايد نفري دو تا هم برسه
آخه خرمالو خيلي طول مي كشه كه برسه
ازفروردين بهارتا آخرهاي پائيز ما بعضي هاشون رو حتي تو دي بعد از شب چله مي چينيم

حتي از درخت هم كه مي چينيشون مي رسن و شيرين مي شن
مثل قندي كه تو دل آب ميشه
